Sunday, February 26, 2006

Drunk in a Koala Preserve Posted by Picasa

the honeymoon Posted by Picasa

Bad News Bears for the surfers on Philip Island Posted by Picasa

another great picture brought to you by Noam and Dave productions Posted by Picasa

like every date I go on, I always seem to put them to sleep Posted by Picasa

the koala whisperer Posted by Picasa

Awww... mom, dad and grandma Posted by Picasa

Music Class... IN THE 3RD DIMENSION Posted by Picasa

Don't mess with him Posted by Picasa

Noam: feeding marsupials, wearing silly hats, and taking numbers. Posted by Picasa

Dave feeding some kind of marsupial (wallaby?) Posted by Picasa

Dave and Jeanne, enthusiastic despite the approaching downpour.  Posted by Picasa

Koala on Phillip Island. . . sleeping like a champ. Posted by Picasa

Seal Rock, minus the seals. Posted by Picasa

Seriously Strawberry (Jeanne at her finest) Posted by Picasa

The uncooperative group picture: Lauren, Dave, Jeanne, Brian, and Bob. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 24, 2006

No explanation needed. Posted by Picasa

Chillin' with the Keg Man. . . This guy flagged us down for free beer and sausages on campus. Can't see this happening anytime soon at UConn. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

random sign outside of a bar Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Brief Synopsis of the Last Several Days

Day 1 (Tue) -
Flight to LA, check in to our lovely accomodations in beautiful Inglewood (thanks Ima). Check and recheck wallets and all valuables, lock doors and call Pete for backup. In & Out Burger for dinner. Back to the hotel, recheck valuables, sleep with one eye open amidst the background noises of drug peddling and other such noble deeds.
Day 2 (Wed) - Get the hell out of Dodge. Long Beach with Pete again. Airport at night, fly to Brisbane at midnight.
Day 3 (Thu) - Sadly, this day was lost due to time zones, exchange rates, sleep deprivation, time travel, and witchery.
Day 4 (Fri) - Arrive in Brisbane in the morning, bus to Noosa. Meet and greet, dinner, much needed rest.
Day 5 (Sat) - Surf lessons and other activities overshadowed by surfing.
Day 6 (Sun) - Trip to Fraser Island. Rainforest walk, swim in Lake Mackenzie etc.
Day 7 (Mon) - Flight to Melbourne, move into apartment, settle in and hit the bars.
Day 8 (Tue) - Wander the streets of Melbourne, update blog, etc.