Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Reflective Piece*

So this bridge has glass plaques on it representing all the different countries from which people have moved to Australia. If weather like this keeps up they may get one more citizen.

*Please excuse the unrelenting pun here. Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

secure exit-row or aisle seats. Thats ideal having the snout sticking Western desert. planned Tuesday. But this is about much more than 29

4:53 PM  
Blogger Q said...


6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tycjan-
I wholeheartedly disagree. It is not about more than 29! 29 is an amazing thing, you know. I prefer my snout facing the Eastern desert ... JUST KIDDING. I'll be there Tuesday.
Love, Denmark

p.s. - can you guys come back already?

5:09 PM  

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